Rhinoceros Facts

  • Poachers earn a lot of money by selling rhinoceros horns. An African rhinoceros horn that weighs about three and a half pounds will sell for $15,000. A rhinoceros horn from one of the Asian species will sell for even more – possibly $35,000 – because it is believed that their magic is stronger. Poachers who are caught are severely punished, but so much money is at stake that they are prepared to take that risk.
  • There are two sub-species of white rhinoceros, northern and southern. A hundred years ago, scientists feared the southern white rhinoceros would soon become extinct. But with careful planning, their numbers have been increased to 3,500. Now the northern white rhinoceroses are in trouble. Scientists believe there are only 17 of them left in the wild. The northern white rhinoceros is the most endangered animal in the world.
  • The only way to save the rhinoceros is to stop the trade in their horns. The World Wildlife Fund, an organization concerned with saving rare animals, is trying to do that. It asks people who buy rhinoceros horn to think about alternatives. There is really no need to use rhinoceros horn, and it has been proven to have no medicinal value.

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