Arabian Horse Facts

  • In the second century A.D., the nomadic Bedouin tribes of the Arabian desert began breeding these horses. The Bedouins desired a horse that was beautiful, yet tough enough to survive the desert. They carefully bred the Arabian horse for centuries, making sure the line was kept pure. Although the horse breeding practices of the Bedouins played and important role in the development of the breed, today’s Arabians are quite different from the ancient Arabian horse. The Arabian of today developed throughout later centures. The features of the modern Arabian horse were shaped by harsh desert conditions, including a sparse food supply, extreme temperatures, and terrible sand storms. Only the strongest horses could survive the hostile conditions. The weak and vulnerable horses died out. The desert toughened the Arabian survivors, giving them greater strength and stamina than the ancient horses.
  • Arabian horses are one of the finest racehorse breeds in the world. They are graceful, trim and hardy. They move quickly and lightly on their feet, and they can run for long distances with great endurance.

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